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99 lesson tasks from 10 objects for any subject - Teaching & Learning idea
As Humanities Faculty Leader I have always looked for ways to help the team to easily plan creative and collaborative learning. I have developed this idea over a few years and it has been well used in my department and around the school - at my school there aren’t enough classrooms and teachers are always in and out of each others’ rooms to teach lessons here and there. You can’t carry much with you and your lesson may suffer by not having all your usual resources to hand if you need to adapt the lesson.
The concept here is that with the 10 inexpensive resources on the top row you can do the 99 lesson activities underneath. Once you’ve got your head around the different activities, you have effectively planned for spontaneity! Crucially, all ten resources can fit into a ‘toolbox’ no bigger than a shoebox which you can keep under your desk for those moments when the lesson is not going to plan.
I observe a lot of trainee teachers and the number 1 thing I see that pulls a lesson down is the lack of interaction with what is happening in the classroom - with this concept teachers have 99 ideas up their sleeve to rescue a lesson with, rather than sticking to the lesson plan rigidly.
If you were doing your training or NQT year at my school then this is one of the first techniques that our Teaching & Learning team will teach you. You would be given a box (by me!) and then challenged to use all 99 activities in 2 weeks. I think new teachers need ideas for lesson tasks and strategies for dealing with the unexpected, not volumes of theory! Its also something our cover supervisors have with them as they go from room to room trying to teach the best lesson they can with very little preparation. I’m not suggesting its a good idea not to prep a lesson, but the reality is that there will always be a time when you need to pull an activity out of your sleeve or ‘wing’ a lesson - this resource is for just those situations.
You will get the file as a word document that will print to A3, but you can adjust the paper size in settings. It is an unlocked word document in case you decide you want to add or change it for your own use - the art of being a magpie is something else I encourage our new teachers with!